"name": "Ken Merritt",
"occupation": "software engineer",
"hats": ["Husband", "Father", "Brother", "Coach", ],
About Me
I retired from the United States Army after 22 years of service as a Cavalry Scout in August of 2023 and started my hunt for what was next. I found Galvanize Hack Reactor full stack software engineering bootcamp which inspired the dream of launching into a career that interests me.
I am married to my wife Rissa with 4 sons, Aiden (18), Collin (14), Alex (10) and Riley (>1). I do not know what I would do without my family nor do I want to imagine life with out them. I grew up in Harrisville, West Virginia but have set down roots in Ellerslie, Georgia. While the majority of my family are still in West Virginia which will always be home, Georgia is where my future lives.
I have volunteered as a youth football coach for the last few years and plan on continuing to do so. It truly is an honor to be called coach and I hope I can have an impact on players the way the coaches of my youth had on me.
My Work
Under construction
Some of the many skills I have experience with
React / Django
Wanna talk?
Contact me with any questions or just to say a few nice words ... or mean ones. Up to you .... free will and all
© 2024 Ken